Pluto - how to find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions

Hi, today I am going to introduce Pluto to you. So, what is it? 🤔

Pluto is a utility to help users find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions in their code repositories and their helm releases.

Sounds great! You use Kubernetes right? So, you know that Kubernetes has Deprecation Policy. It is a large system, so many features evolve over time and many of them might be removed. Thus, to avoid problems, Kubernetes provides a deprecation policy. So, you know in advance that something is going to be deprecated and you should act!

There are 3 main "API Groups" in Kubernetes:

  • Alpha (v1alpha1)
  • Beta (v1beta1)
  • Stable (v1)

From time to time, some objects (or their versions) in Kubernetes can be removed or deprecated and it would be nice to know about it in advance. And for that job you can use:

Let's see this guy in an action!

You need to install it firstly of course. You can do that by this command:

I used minikube (minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.16.1) to set up a local Kubernetes cluster, so by default there are only some basic stuff. I am going to install grafana via Helm. This chart is already deprecated, so it is useful, because you find some old stuff there!

The chart has been installed. Let's run pluto. You can use pluto in three ways:

  • File Detection in a Directory
  • Helm Detection (in-cluster)
  • Helm Chart Checking (local files)

I am going to use Helm Detection (in-cluster) because my chart is installed and I want to check it. By default pluto checks v1.16.0 version, but there is a flag --target-versions and I can check whatever version I want. So, let's say that I have Kubernetes cluster in 1.16 version and I want to upgrade my cluster to 1.17.

Before that, I want to check if everything will be all right with my deployments after upgrade. I can type pluto detect-helm -o wide --target-versions k8s=v1.17.0:

What I see here? pluto tells me that in v1.17.0 version, will be deprecated for Role and RoleBinding objects. I can still use them (in v1.17.0 version), but it will be removed in v1.22.0 version. So, after the upgrade I should change to for these objects in my helm chart.

I also checked v1.22.0 version. And, now I know that I should change my Ingress object for grafana too. The current version will be deprecated in v1.19.0, and I should use instead.

Great, I can check what's going on on my cluster, but I also want to know about it in my CI tools. For this, I can use Helm Chart Checking (local files). Here is an example:

I rendered the template of the chronograf chart and piped it into pluto. And this way I know that I cannot use this chart in Kubernetes 1.16. Because extensions/v1beta1 has been removed in v1.16.0, but it is still in my chart.

So, in this way you can loop through your helm charts and check them with pluto to find out about potential problems in advance.

That's it. Have a nice day!

If you do not want to read this post, here is a video:


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