Pluto - how to find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions

Hi, today I am going to introduce Pluto to you. So, what is it? 🤔 Pluto is a utility to help users find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions in their code repositories and their helm releases. Sounds great! You use Kubernetes right? So, you know that Kubernetes has Deprecation Policy . It is a large system, so many features evolve over time and many of them might be removed. Thus, to avoid problems, Kubernetes provides a deprecation policy. So, you know in advance that something is going to be deprecated and you should act! There are 3 main " API Groups " in Kubernetes: Alpha (v1alpha1) Beta (v1beta1) Stable (v1) From time to time, some objects (or their versions) in Kubernetes can be removed or deprecated and it would be nice to know about it in advance. And for that job you can use: Let's see this guy in an action! You need to install it firstly of course. You can do that by this command: I used minikube ( minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.16.1 ) to set up a...