GitLab - include keyword
Some time ago GitLab has introduced include keyword that: allows the inclusion of external YAML files. Everyone knows that microservices like to multiply. Thus, this feature is very useful when you have microservices, because you do not have to copy & paste the code. Let's see what can you do with this. Let's assume that we use Docker and we need to build an image. If you want to build an image and deploy your microservice you can just make a new .gitlab-ci.yml file in your project and add two jobs: build and deploy : When you have three/four microservices you can tempt to copy & paste this code to the rest of the projects. But, if you have more projects and you need to change the logic of deployments, then you have a problem, because you need to edit many .gitlab-ci.yml files. You do not want to do that, so how to deal with it? Use include keyword! It is very simple. For me in most cases creating one gitlab template file is enough. Let's call it git...