
Showing posts with the label daemonset

You have reached your pull rate limit!

Ahh, yes!  You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading: I bet you had encountered this problem if you read now this post. According to this document : Beginning November 2, 2020, progressive enforcement of rate limits for anonymous and authenticated Docker Hub usage goes into effect. This means that anonymous and free Docker Hub users will have usage restrictions gradually placed on container image pull requests. Sadly, this happened on our clusters (AWS EKS). How to fix it? I wanted to spawn DaemonSet object where I could run docker login command and this way change config.json  on every node. But, after that you need to restart docker  process on every node, and I still do not know how to do that on AWS EKS. So, a temporary fix was to create a Secret object and then link it to every ServiceAccount  object. It is "a hack", but we needed very fast working solution. We are not g